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Simon Borst

“I meet a lot of people during my painting sessions outside… all the stories they tell me… omg… but in the end, I tell them please look around and enjoy nature..” 

Simon’s words express such a deep passion for nature and for the love of the great outdoors, and for people and painting, as well. His passion for life and the outdoor experience, along with a bundle of paint brushes, a few canvases, an easel, and last but least, his enthusiasm, have all but combined into one masterful color combination that is truly and extraordinarily appealing. Simon’s paintings are a true Dutch delight! 
Plein air painting is not for the faint of heart but Simon faces any sort of obstacle with positivity and unbound optimism which is not only inspiring, but is the hallmark trait of the Dutch. When one considers what one must go through to produce such a style of painting, it’s a wonder anyone does it at all. Plein air painters have to brave the elements and are oftentimes subject to weather changes which can become quite hazardous quite unexpectedly requiring a quick pick up of materials, fumbling about with wet canvases, and charging or trekking for miles sometimes to the safety and security one finds oneself indoors. 
Simon has been recognized as one of the contenders for best Plein Air painters in the world. We happen to agree and hope you will find his painting as delightful and distinctive, and so warmingly Dutch. Simon’s paintings add the perfect touch of Dutch to any interior. 
Simon Borst Painting Description: 


Painter Simon Borst paints plein-air, nature is my studio. From 1994 I worked spatially, sculpting and modeling in Amsterdam. In 1997, I decided to concentrate on drawing and painting. Gradually I felt plein-air painting is the way I like to express myself. You could call me self-taught in the tradition of the impressionists, I feel good in the wild. Between various factors such as lighting, structures and objects in space trying to find my style. Figuratively colorful and abstract lighting. Small size and large format work. With great courage and sense of craft, I try to add something to the works produced so far. I am involved in organizing projects in Holland and around the world such as the and connected to various foreign projects. Through my art I like to be in contact with the world around me.